Monday, July 30, 2007


You know what...I feel fairly unloved, no comments! You should all comment! And I should get more readers!

I've got some bad news. Some crazy guy on the street saw me with my ratted up hair and icky clothes, and was like, are you homeless, so I punched him and ran, but then he was like "WAIT! I CAN GET YOU A HOME!" and guess what...he did.

So now. I have an actual home. With a bed. and a bathroom. and a TV! Which I could get used to. I'm watching...spongebob. Never even heard of it before!

Sunday, July 1, 2007

first post of july!

The fourth is the best! Fire(I'm a pyromaniac, it is diagnosed)and loud booms!The police sirens ruin it though, I'm always a tad jumpy when I hear them! I am adding songs to my I-pod!